Friday, April 5, 2013

Contao 3 – Generate a form inside a custom template



* STEP #1 (just in case you want to get the form by its alias)
* get the form id from its alias
* if you have the form id you can skip to step #2
$objModel = \FormModel::findByAlias($form_alias);
$form_id = $objModel->id;

* STEP #2
* generate the configuration object

$objContent = new stdClass();
$objContent->form = $form_id;

* STEP #3
* generate the form object
$objForm = new \Form($objContent);

* STEP #4
* display the Form
<?php echo $objForm->generate(); ?>

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Im get an error

    Recoverable error: Argument 1 passed to Hybrid::__construct() must be an instance of Database_Result, instance of stdClass given, called in
