Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Quick tip: easy writing of informative fields with ZedSeriesUi

The Data Container Array (a.k.a. dca) of Contao cms allows to define custom fields through the input_field_callback entry. A common usage scenario is providing informative contents to your users. This can be accomplished easily using the ZedSeriesUi class (that is included in ZedSeries Library for Contao cms).

Define your informative field as input_field_callback:


$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_dummy']['fields']['my_info_field'] = array(
'input_field_callback' => array('tl_dummy', 'myInfoField')


Write your callback


class tl_dummy {

public function myInfoField($dc) {
$ui = new ZedSeriesUi();
return $ui->ifcMessage('My content', 'zsui_info');


This will output a nice informative message

Feel free to comment below if you have further questions.

Friday, November 25, 2011

How to create a custom insert tags for Contao

The Contao cms supports dynamic content integration through the so called "insert-tags". Contao has a lot of built in "insert-tags" but sometimes when writing custom extensions may be the need to create a custom one.

Friday, November 11, 2011

ZedSeries bug tracker changes

The ZedSeries bug tracker located at dev.zedseries.com no longer allows anonymously bug reporting. This is due to two main reasons:

  • Anonymous reporter does not receive update of the ticket status through email this lead them to “forgot” about the report they did. Especially if an answer to the ticket come after some time (e.g. one week)
  • There are some annoying spammer out there

However there is no need to register if you only want to view a ticket.

For any questions do not hesitate to comment below.
